Group Horoscope Online Seminar


03 - 17 März 2021


22:00 - 23:30



The Group Horoscope – Key to Collective Astrology

Astrology offers excellent methods for describing the character and development of individuals; however, analyzing groups is far more challenging. The Group Horoscope is an innovative approach for displaying whole teams, departments, families or any other type of groups in one single chart. Multi-versions of the composite chart or the Davison Relationship Chart only give a picture of the group as a whole. The Group Horoscope instead allows a synopsis of all the relationships and interconnections within a group. It visualizes the patterns of group dynamics, making it an invaluable tool for systemic coaching.

Dr. Christof Niederwieser has presented this innovative new technique in numerous lectures, seminars and articles in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. His book „The Group Horoscope – Key to Collective Astrology“ has become a bestseller in 2017. In this online seminar he presents this novel approach in English. Using examples from family psychology, cultural life, entertainment, politics and economics he demonstrates how group horoscopes are created and analyzed.

He also presents a 4-step system for Group Horoscope Analysis:

  1. Collective Analysis: What’s the character of a group as a whole?
  2. Role Allocation: What roles do the single members play within the group?
  3. Group Dynamics & Relationship Patterns: How do the group members interact with each other?
  4. Focus Perspective: How does any of the members see the group from his personal perspective?

After this seminar you can endeepen your knowledge in the online-seminar „Advanced Group Horoscope Analysis“


03.03., 10.03., 17.03.2018

The time depends on your time zone. It starts at 22:00 MET, which corresponds to:
Saturday, 13:00 – 14:30 PST Los Angeles
Saturday, 16:00 – 17:30 EST New York
Saturday, 21:00 – 22:30 GMT London
Saturday, 22:00 – 23:30 MET Berlin
Sunday, 08:00 – 09:30 AEST Sydney

If you should live in a time zone corresponding to uncomfortable night hours (e.g. India), please contact me to find a solution.

Price: 150 €

After booking this seminar you will receive a personal e-mail with the invoice.
Payment via international bank transfer or Paypal 14 days before the first online session.
The number of participants is limited. Registrations are considered in the order of their entrance.
Register via the form below or simply send a short e-mail to

Registration Deadline: 17.02.2018


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