An Introduction to Business Astrology
Entrepreneurs and managers make decisions in situations of chronic uncertainty. The fields of business administration have developed an extensive arsenal of methods, models and theories. But in the end, soft factors like emotion, instinct or simply coincidence are often crucial for success.
Astrology is the oldest system theory of mankind. It provides invaluable additional information, especially when combined with the well-established techniques of management. This workshop gives an introduction to the vast possibilities of business astrology. It introduces novel methods such as the Group Horoscope, Generational Imprint, Cycle Docking or the Astro-Kondratiev business cycle model, that have been developed especially for the specific requirements of astrological business consulting. Case studies from strategic management, branding and human resources will show you how to apply these tools effectively in your astrological work.
International FAA Astrology Conference
Federation of Australian Astrologers
Date: Monday, January 22, 2018
Time: 10.00 am – 4.45 pm
booking directly at the FAA Conference Website
During my visit at the „International FAA Astrology Conference“ in Melbourne I will give two lectures and one workshop:
19.01.2018 – The Group Horoscope – Key to Collective Astrology: An Extended Lecture
21.01.2018 – Traditional Dignities in the Group Horoscope
22.01.2018 – An Introduction to Business Astrology