Traditional Dignities in the Group Horoscope
The Group Horoscope is an innovative tool for displaying whole teams, departments, families or any other type of groups in one single chart. Some methods of analysis have been developed especially for this approach. In addition, the Group Horoscope is also compatible with most of the established astrological techniques. This lecture shows how the Essential Dignities of Traditional Astrology can be used to analyze relationship patterns and hierarchies within the Group Horoscope. It provides case studies from systemic coaching as well as examples of famous public groups; a fascinating fusion of past and future astrology.
International FAA Astrology Conference
Federation of Australian Astrologers
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2018
Time: 11.00 am – 12.15 pm
booking directly at the FAA Conference Website
During my visit at the „International FAA Astrology Conference“ in Melbourne I will give two lectures and one workshop:
19.01.2018 – The Group Horoscope – Key to Collective Astrology: An Extended Lecture
21.01.2018 – Traditional Dignities in the Group Horoscope
22.01.2018 – An Introduction to Business Astrology