The Group Horoscope – Key to Collective Astrology: An Extended Lecture
Astrology offers excellent methods for describing the character and development of individuals; however, analyzing groups is far more challenging. The Group Horoscope is an innovative approach for displaying whole teams, departments, families or any other type of groups in one single chart. Multi-versions of the composite chart or the Davison Relationship Chart only give a picture of the group as a whole. The Group Horoscope instead allows a synopsis of all the relationships and interconnections within a group. It visualizes the patterns of group dynamics, making it an invaluable tool for systemic coaching. The lecture gives a general introduction to this novel approach.
International FAA Astrology Conference
Federation of Australian Astrologers
Date: Friday, January 19, 2018
Time: 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
booking directly at the FAA Conference Website
During my visit at the „International FAA Astrology Conference“ in Melbourne I will give two lectures and one workshop:
19.01.2018 – The Group Horoscope – Key to Collective Astrology: An Extended Lecture
21.01.2018 – Traditional Dignities in the Group Horoscope
22.01.2018 – An Introduction to Business Astrology