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Business Astrology Video Series

In Publications, Videos by Dr. Christof Niederwieser

In this video series I show how astrology can be applied to the fields of strategy, branding, human resources and communication. The first video gives an introduction to astrology in general. The second video illustrates some typical project themes of …

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German Newspapers report about AstroMANAGEMENT

In News by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

“Die Neckarquelle” and “Die Schwäbische Zeitung” report about the opening of AstroMANAGEMENT in Southern Germany. In these articles you can learn more about the history and background information about the foundation of the company, about astrology and its relationship to …

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New AstroMANAGEMENT Center opened

In News by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

The new AstroMANAGEMENT office is opened. It is located in the music town of Trossingen, directly at the A81 autobahn between Stuttgart and Zurich. You can find us in the 2nd floor in the freshly renovated werk8 in Achauer Street …