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Group Horoscope Live Tour

In Events, News by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

In 2019 there are numerous opportunities to experience the groundbreaking Group Horoscope Live at lectures and seminars of Dr. Christof Niederwieser in Vienna, Graz, Munich, Berlin, Zurich, Stuttgart and Online

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Astrological Consulting Tour

In Events by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

The days between Christmas and New Year are used by many people to review their life and to make new plans for the future. To support you here I go onto a journey through the metropolises of Germany, Austria and …

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Astrology & Revolution 1789 – 2050

In Events by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

Each 30-50 years the Uranus-Pluto cycle is triggered, indicating profound social breakovers. This lecture in Stuttgart demonstrates the complex relationships between cultural-political revolutions and technological-economic developments, combining astrological cycles with the latest studies from trend research and futurology. An astro-historical …