In the latest issue of ASTROLOGIE HEUTE I analyze the astrological background of current political neo-conservativism. Unseen by most astrologers we currently face a millenium constellation: a declination aspect of Saturn and Pluto within an orb of less than 1°.
New Book “The Group Horoscope”
How can groups be analyzed astrologically? My new book on the Group Horoscope demonstrates how easy it can be to systematically decode families, friends, departments, teams, rock bands, governments and any other kinds of groups. Including numerous color charts and …
15 Years “Magical Practices of Management”
15 years ago my first book “On The Magical Practices of Management” has been published. On 180 pages it gives a cultural-historical comparison of magical and modern personality models. I used this anniversary to write an article for the latest …
Successful with Business Astrology
Tyrolean newspaper “Osttiroler Bote” reports about my work as business astrologer, giving also a small preview to my lecture tour “Astrological Forecasts & Future Scenarios until 2025” next week.
Austria Tour “Astrological Forecasts 2025”
In February 2017 I will be touring through Austria with the lecture “Astrological Forecasts & Future Scenarios until 2025”. How will our lives change in the next ten years? Which social, political and technological challenges are approaching? And how will …
Interview with Myself Magazine about Astrology in the Office
The December issue of the popular lifestyle magazine MYSELF features an extensive article about the new boom of business astrology. It shows how the horoscope is used as a precious tool for areas such as recruiting, career planning or investment …
Group Horoscope of popular TV show “The Lion’s Den”
In the November 2016 issue of German astrology magazine MERIDIAN I introduce a special variation of the innovative Group Horoscope: the Focus Group Horoscope. With this method you can perceive the group from the personal perspective of any of the …
Interview about wrong Star Signs
“Your Star Sign has probably changed!” This headline has been published by lifestyle magazine COSMOPOLITAN some days ago. In an interview with RADIO BERLIN LIVE I explain the background of this popular hoax, which regularly haunts the media for decades. …
Article “Branding with Astrology”
In the 30th Anniversary Edition of ASTROLOGIE HEUTE I give an introduction to astrological brand development. The article shows how astrological archetypes can be used to build strong brands and presents the group horoscope as a crucial tool for brand …
Online Article „The astrological Kondratiev Cycle“
My English article “The astrological Kondratiev Cycle” demonstrates the astrological background of the famous business cycle of Nikolai Kondratiev, known from macroeconomics and futures studies. It postulates a regular pattern of upswings and downswings in the economy, ranging over 50 …