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Astrological Consulting Tour

In Events by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

The days between Christmas and New Year are used by many people to review their life and to make new plans for the future. To support you here I go onto a journey through the metropolises of Germany, Austria and …

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The Astrological Christmas Present

In News by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

Right before Christmas the new exclusive vouchers for astrological consulting arrived. With these you can make an exceptional and joyous gift of inspiration for personal future visions and aims of life, perfect for precious events like successful degrees in school, …

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New Website

In Articles, News, Publications by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

My new website is online now with numerous articles about forecasting: from mantic practices of indigenous peoples and ancient cultures to esoteric, religion and parapsychology to the modern methods of science and futures studies. And quite often the modern …

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The Morphology of the Astro-Kondratiev

In Articles, Publications by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

In the new edition of ASTROLOGIE HEUTE magazine I describe “The Morphology of the Astro-Kondratiev”. Based on numerous historic examples it explains the close relationships between the breakthrough of new fundamental technologies, economic crises, political revolutions and the establishment of …

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New Prognostics Book in German Newspapers

In News by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

Two well-known German newspapers report about my new book-series about Prognostics and Forecasting. In these articles you can learn more about the content and the background of this work. And they reveal some stories about my first year as business …

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The astrological Kondratiev Cycle

In Articles, Publications by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

The August edition of the magazine “Astrologie Heute” is out now with my article about “The Astrological Kondratieff Cycle”. It demonstrates the astrological background of this famous business cycle known from macroeconomics and futures studies and demonstrates, how Kondratiev’s model …

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Astrology & Revolution 1789 – 2050

In Events by Dr. Christof NiederwieserLeave a Comment

Each 30-50 years the Uranus-Pluto cycle is triggered, indicating profound social breakovers. This lecture in Stuttgart demonstrates the complex relationships between cultural-political revolutions and technological-economic developments, combining astrological cycles with the latest studies from trend research and futurology. An astro-historical …